What with the ongoing strike, shoot schedules of many upcoming movies are being held outside Tamil Nadu. Thandavam's shooting is being held in and around Delhi with a few flashback scenes and songs being shot. The song Oru Paadhi Kanavu Neeyadi was shot recently with Vikram and Anushka in the lead.
After the shoots in Delhi are over, the crew will fly to US where significant portions are being planned to be shot. Thandavam, directed by Vijay, is produced by UTV motion pictures that earlier produced the Vikram & Anushka starrer Deiva Thirumagal. The movie also has Amy Jackson in the lead.
After the shoots in Delhi are over, the crew will fly to US where significant portions are being planned to be shot. Thandavam, directed by Vijay, is produced by UTV motion pictures that earlier produced the Vikram & Anushka starrer Deiva Thirumagal. The movie also has Amy Jackson in the lead.
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